Into the Light

“ Living in the Light is essentially about Truth, Divine Presence, spirituality, elevation of one’s awareness, mind training, self-healing, release of limiting thought patterns and conditioning, freedom from personal suffering, self-discovery, authentic self-expression and the return to one’s true nature, which is peace, love and happiness. The whole aim of spiritual practice is to return to wholeness i.e. to free yourself from all manner of illusion, conditioning and limitation and be a conscious creator of your own destiny, for the greater good.” - Katarina

“Pure Love is the real beauty within you.”  Image from

“Pure Love is the real beauty within you.” Image from

Pure Love

There is no greater experience than that of pure love. Pure Love is selfless love that has no ulterior motive in it. It is love for love’s sake. Even though we may not know it, pure love is what we all seek. Pure Love is kind, giving, non-judgmental, forbearing, sincere, truthful, gentle yet strong and unitive. Everything that is beautiful in this world has its foundation in love. Pure Love is what maintains beautiful relationships.

Everything we do, is to make ourselves happy and yet it cannot be achieved by obtaining anything external, or depending on another person. Happiness already exists deep within our true Self but we must discover it.

The principal method to discover our true Self, is meditation and attentive self-awareness i.e. mindfulness practice. When we discover our true nature then we discover that in fact our true nature is that of pure love. Once we embody this love and begin to live from this place, we become a beautiful presence that others can sense, feel and see. Pure Love is the greatest attractor, that attracts everything to itself. We will not be able to settle in life until we finally discover and embody Pure Love - this is known as wholeness, Self-realisation or enlightenment.

“Self-healing and mind training are essential to true freedom.  Peace and love are essential qualities for living happily.”  - Katarina

Awaken Greater Awareness

Loving kindness for all beings.  Image from pixabay

Loving kindness for all beings. Image from pixabay

All the spiritual modalities are for growing in awareness. Life is consciousness, which means that Life is aware. Without consciousness nothing can be known. We would not be having our current experience, without consciousness. Have you noticed how different people seem to have less or more awareness? Even though we are conscious, there are different degrees of consciousness.

The aim of spirituality is to grow in awareness of the reality and source of our Being. The greater awareness we have, the more loving, peaceful, respectful, kind, considerate, caring and compassionate we become. When we are aware of our connection with the whole, we cannot do anything but Love and Serve our fellow beings.

Society will be much better for all of us, the more each of us grow in awareness. Most of our mistakes in life are due to a lack of awareness. Let us vow to be more aware, as each day passes and look for the good in people and in life, in general.

“In order to be totally present, you must engage your whole being in your action i.e. do things with all your heart, senses and body. This is known as perfect action.” - Katarina

A Sublime world

The Greatest Power is more brilliant than a thousand suns.   Image from

The Greatest Power is more brilliant than a thousand suns. Image from

I know of a sublime world, that is known by only a few. It is a heavenly state that is available to all. It is the secret of the ages. I go deep within the cave of my heart and I meet you there, my Love.

This glorious place built of light, by the most Sacred, is where our hearts unite. In this cave, beautiful feelings of spiritual light are formed, which radiate out to all beings.

Divine words crystallise and connect your heart with mine. Wake up!  There is a craftsman inside, that has crafted a magnificent world of love. It is a pure and divine world. Look within, to find your home.

The longing to express the beauty and joy of Spirit, is mounting and it causes my mind to surrender its nonsense. Oh my divine Mother, your beauty causes immediate surrender, of the material world.

Thy glory is unfathomable and your Grace is the highest blessing. Hurry, Divine Mother and make me one with you and end my longing. 

- Katarina -

Image from

Image from

Awaken to the Light within

Beneath the turbulence of our thoughts, there is stillness.  This is our true Self.  This Self is universal rather than personal.  It is the essence of us all.  It is our inner teacher and guide.  The Self is infinite Love, Peace and Bliss.  Our human journey is to discover this Self.  However, first we have to be emptied of everything, in order to be able to know the Self. We have to be empty of ego to be full of divinity. It is a journey from darkness to light and from limitation to freedom.

How much time do you spend in silence and stillness each day? How do you connect with yourself? How often do you take the time to listen to the small still voice within? Depending on your answer, so will be your quality of life. It is vital to spend some time in silence and stillness every day and simply to allow things to be as they are and to just be as we are. Going within is what Sundays, the day of rest was meant for, to rest in God or Self. As the entire week is dedicated to worldly things, Sunday was meant for spirituality. Of course, it does not have to be a Sunday but better still a little time each day, to balance out and find harmony within.

Learn to still the waves of your mind, through meditation. Allow the ripples of your thought waves settle. Meditation is mind training and a great source of strength in life’s ups and downs. One is able to maintain calm in the midst of life’s challenges. There is a noticeable difference in meditator’s resilience to bounce back from difficulties, in comparison with non-meditators. I have always said that we meditate for dealing with unexpected life events. It is important to learn to focus on the good, have gratitude for our blessings and to raise one’s thoughts to a higher level, so that they become sublime, divine thoughts.

“Together we create the environment that we live in. Let it be one of Love, peace, joy, truth, beauty and kindness, for the greater good.” - Katarina

Awaken to our oneness and live a kind life to all beings

Values and ethics are less emphasised nowadays than years ago. People have given priority to modern living and in the process our values have decreased in society. This is a great mistake. There is such a simple rule to live by, that would bring us all happiness if we lived by it and that is “Treat others as you want to be treated” and “Don’t do to others what you don’t want people to do to you”. This applies to all beings. The key is to remember this, when you experience a challenging situation with another. It is also important to teach children from a young age to share, so they become more selfless. It is vitally important to realise that we are all interconnected and interdependent. In reality we are all one. In fact we are the same Being, regardless of what we experience with our senses. The essence of everything is this One Being, so it essential that we live our lives with the understanding, that what we do to others, we ultimately do to ourself.

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training students and Katarina Tilley, enjoying nature at Living in the Light, in Colchester.

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training students and Katarina Tilley, enjoying nature at Living in the Light, in Colchester.

It is our duty to act kindly to all beings, not only those we consider our nearest and dearest. Nature, which is also a being, is vitally important for our well-being and for the well-being of all living beings. Our future depends on this. Where possible we can avoid using pesticides and minimise the use of bleach and other harsh chemicals around the house and use more natural products, for our household. If we have the space, we can plant trees in our garden, as they help with absorbing carbon dioxide from the air. We can plant bee friendly plants, to attract bees. We can use natural skin products…our skin and general health will be better for it.

There are many, many ways to protect nature and all the beings in our world. If we all take part, then this will go a long way in maintaining the balance and harmony in nature. What we do in one part of the world has an effect upon the whole. The universe is an energetic field, in which whatever we do has a consequence. Let us live in harmony with our selves and our environment and live as consciously as we can, so that future generations are able to thrive.

“We need to learn to be grateful, because it opens up our heart to love. When we keep our heart open, we achieve a great inner state that causes great things happen.” - Katarina


Text by Katarina Tilley.  Image from

Text by Katarina Tilley. Image from

No spiritual practice can be complete without a daily practice of gratitude. It is a question of opening up our heart, because gratitude is an aspect of genuine or pure love. Gratitude is an acknowledgment of all the good in our life, in a heartfelt way. It is a feeling of being blessed for what you truly are (divinity) and for what you have (everything).

If you practice genuine gratefulness and evoke heartfelt feelings, starting with small and everyday things, which you may currently take for granted, you will see that this practice will soon enough, lead to greater and greater blessings. The final blessing is the sense of total fulfilment and oneness.

“Divine Light is synonymous with Divine Love. It is the Source of all life. We are all made of this fabric and our journey here on earth is to awaken the memory of our divine heritage and to live in oneness, with all beings.” - Katarina


I met Katarina 6 years ago this week, and it was very definite life changing moment for me, as well as a catalyst for enormous change. We completed a week of training together and then I sought her out months later for Mindfulness during a very challenging time in my life, and the rest really is history.

I did my Mindfulness Teacher training with her, and after the fabulous knowledge and experience gained from that, I was thrilled to be able to complete my Reiki training with her also, culminating in my recently acquired Reiki Masters qualification.

Katarina has an amazing presence about her. This coupled with her immense knowledge, her years of experience and her kind and thoughtful nature, make her an obvious choice for training, retreats and workshops.
— Lindsey

“Spread love wherever you go. You do not know what positive effect it may have. The greatest joy is rendering genuine loving service to others.” - Katarina