Karuna Reiki® Healing

What is Karuna Reiki®?

Karuna Reiki® Treatments at Living in the Light, Little Clacton, (near Colchester), Essex.

Karuna Reiki® Treatments at Living in the Light, Little Clacton, (near Colchester), Essex.

What is Karuna Reiki?  Karuna means compassion in Sanskrit.  It is a term used in Buddhism, Hinduism and Zen.  It means the action taken to alleviate suffering of mankind i.e. “compassionate action”. One could describe Karuna Reiki® as compassionate action and love, in an energy form.  It is an evolution of Western Reiki.  It is believed to be more powerful than Usui Reiki and can bring about profound healing in the client.  It has great transformational power.

Karuna Reiki® is a holistic healing system developed by William Rand, in the US.  He was given some symbols, which were channelled by other Reiki Masters and he meditated on these.  After a few years he and his more sensitive and psychic students began to experiment with these symbols, to establish their benefits.  They also experimented with an initiation process, to go with the symbols that seemed more beneficial.  Through inner guidance Mr Rand developed the initiation further and gradually a new system of Reiki healing emerged.  In 1995 this system of healing was defined as Karuna Reiki®.

Karuna Reiki® is a healing energy that enables us to awaken to the innate  compassion and wisdom that lays dormant within each of us.  Compassion is a state of consciousness, which when awakened will lead us to perform good actions, in the form of service to others, as well as to benefit ourselves.    Compassion can and often is awakened from personal suffering, which causes us to change and become more patient, understanding and empathetic.  It can also be awakened from spiritual practice and through receiving a Karuna Reiki® treatment.

The Wisdom of Compassion

Spiritual advanced and enlightened individuals have developed compassion to such a high degree that they experience no distinction between themselves and others.  They experience the reality of life, which is one.  These individuals feel a sense of oneness with other beings, which leads them to feeling compassion for everyone.  This feeling is not only out of love but because it is the correct and logical thing to do. 

One thing has to be said though, that compassion needs to be accompanied by wisdom, otherwise it will not be of maximal benefit e.g. constantly giving poor people money may not be as helpful as helping them get an education, so that they have their own means to become equally financial secure and independent.  Compassion goes a long way in making the world a better place for all.

The Karuna Reiki® energies 

The Karuna Reiki® energy consists of twelve different energies, some of which appear in other systems of healing.  However, a distinction can be make between them due to the fact that the intention and the attunement process is different in Karuna Reiki®.  This in fact makes the Karuna Reiki® energies completely unique to this system of healing. 

The Karuna Reiki ® energies heal on a deep level.  The first energy within this system of healing, initially prepares the client for deep healing, so that the second energy is able to work at a deeper level, on the more deep rooted issues, which are held at the cellular level.  Then the third energy heals the emotional heart and all the issues related to the emotional heart.  It also develops compassionate action.  The fourth energy clears the mind.  The remaining energies work in various ways, so as to promote inner balance, connection with the client’s Higher Self (all knowing wisdom within), release fear, bring about peace, trust and ground the client and much more.

How Does Karuna Reiki® Work?

The Karuna Reiki® energies have the ability to work on all the layers of the person at the same time.  This promotes deeper healing.  We are made up of four layers i.e. the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.  It may be the first time we have heard this fact but in truth you know that already, because thought belongs to the mental realm, emotions belong to the emotional realm, we have a physical body and we are formless spirit in our essence.  We know this too, as we know that at death, the energy that lives in our physical body, leaves the body.  Anyone or several of these layers can become imbalanced at any one time.  Karuna Reiki® helps balance all aspects of our being and can therefore speed up our healing.

What to Expect When Coming for a Karuna Reiki® Treatment

When coming for a treatment for the first time, you need to allow 90 minutes.  The treatment itself is 60 minutes.  First I take a consultation, then you will be asked to lay fully clothed, on a couch, on your back (with your knees supported).  I cover you with a blanket, so that you are nice and cosy.  Most people prefer to close their eyes during the treatment.  There will be music playing softly in the background, to enhance the relaxation process.  The Karuna Reiki® energy itself is channelled through my hands.  

What could I Experience During the Session?

The first thing to be said is that no two sessions are ever the same.  Each and everyone has a unique experience.  Having said that, it is common for 

clients to sense the Karuna Reiki® energy, as tingling and/or heat.  People report seeing white light or colours, during the treatment.  Many varying sensations within the body may also be felt.  Some people experience the resurfacing of an issue which lie trapped within, which presents itself for releasing and healing.  A memory of something significant, relating to their issue, may also come up for healing.  People often sense the energy not just inside themselves but all around them, as well.

How Will I feel After the Karuna Reiki® Treatment?

After the treatment clients generally state that they feel more balanced and that they found the treatment relaxing. Clients often report a deeper sense of connection with themselves and the Divine.  Usually, they are better able to understand their issues and how to resolve them.   Clients appear to be able to transform their negative patterns into positive ones. 

Katarina Tilley, the founder of  Living in the Light, is a qualified and experienced Reiki and Karuna Reiki® practitioner and Reiki and Karuna Reiki® master. 

Living in the Light is located in Little Clacton (near Colchester), in Essex.

For more information about Karuna Reiki® treatments and courses, please click here www.katarinatilley.co.uk/reiki

N.B. Karuna Reiki® is the registered trademark of ICRT.